An enthusiastic crowd gathered at Coombe Barton on October 9 to launch a new local social history book — ‘Crackington Haven - Turn Back Time’. 

It was an opportunity to share experiences, archives, old photographs and memoirs. The guest was Malcolm Reay who was evacuated from London to Congdons cottage during the war. Malcolm has vivid memories of his wonderful childhood spent in Crackington, he has reunited with his fellow evacuee and school friend Alan Zoftig. Also contributing to the old photographs and memorabilia being shared were Robin Polatch and his brother Walter. Many in attendance had parents who attended St Gennys School in the 1940’s and Malcolm remembered them all. 

A spokesperson said: “We thank Coombe Barton for providing the perfect venue and hospitality.”

‘Crackington Haven - Turn Back Time’ is available locally or online at Amazon books