By Keith Field
AFTER the previous week’s washout, the players enjoyed beautiful weather conditions, even bordering on hot with a soft breeze drifting across the course.
Although recently receiving their summer maintenance, the greens played really well for the fun game, 6,6,6.
Each of the three-man team had to play six tee shots from each of the red, yellow and white tees but at their individual choosing.
It soon became clear that a wide variety of strategies were being adopted and even amended once on a tee. Two holes stood out with an almost unanimous selection for the chosen tee, red, and those were 14 and 17. With all players scores to count it was going to take a three-digit score to feature on the leaderboard, and that is how it turned out.
Five teams hit that target and two well exceeded it on an eye-watering 109 points each, and needed separating by countback on the back six as both teams had recorded 58 on the back nine.
Second team out, Phil Macey, Alan Joel and James Simpson came home and firmly established themselves as the team to beat with their impressive 109 points.
So many tried and failed, but then the late starter jinx struck again.
Whilst not quite the last team out, Tony Hurley, Rich Firth and Peter Pascoe came home with an identical score but with a superior back six and took first place.
Results: 1 Peter Pascoe, Richard Firth and Tony Hurley – 109; 2 Phil Macey, Allan Joel and James Simpson – 109; 3 Mike R Newton, Pete Mehigan and John Clements – 102; 4 Paul Turner, Peter Campion and Mike Page – 101; 5 Marc Nash, Alan Bridgeman and Guy Pennington – 101.
An intriguing contest was also evolving alongside the fun game as in the Summer 4BBB Knockout, Brian Pound and John Eccles confronted Kevin Smith and Mike Tamblin.
Neither side could establish superiority over their opponents and it was only on the short 16th that Smith and Tamblin took a one-hole lead that they held through to the 18th.
By Sam Peach
Lady Captains Day - Sunday, August 4
SAM Peach held her Lady Captain's Day in aid of The British Heart Foundation.
The ladies played a fun better ball format with a twist in teams of four. The scoring on each hole was different and not known until after the hole was completed. Each team could player their joker on one hole which doubled their score and points were also deducted for balls in bunkers and penalty areas. There were prizes for nearest the pins and nearest the pins in two.
The winning team was Pam Hughes, Sue Wenmoth, Helen Wormald and Cathryn Braithwaite and runners-up were Hilda McKinley, Brigette Worth, Lou McCartney and Katy Milne.

The best front nine prize went to Thelma McEvoy, Vera Nancekivell, Chris Crichton and Roxy Smith who scored an amazing 46 points on one hole! Nearest the pins were won by Sue Wenmoth (silver), Phillippa Bown (bronze) with the nearest the pin in two going to Hilda McKinley (18 holers) and Roxy Smith (9 holers).

The prize for the best dressed team (bright, colourful and co-ordinated being the judging criteria) went to Mary Brinsley, Karen Ford Jenny Glover and Glennis Wootton.

Teams enjoyed a half way house on the 10th tee and a meal and presentation after the golf where they were joined by 'Mrs Hearty' from the British Heart Foundation to present the prizes.
Thanks to the generosity of the St Mellion ladies, over £500 was raised for the charity.