USUALLY having a visit from the police is a bad thing, but this week at St Stephen’s Community Academy in Launceston, students got the chance to learn all about keeping safe with their local police officers. 

PC Best and PC Reese paid a visit to St Stephen’s this week as part of Devon and Cornwall’s Mini Police Community Scheme. 

Throughout the sessions, Year 6 students learned all about the responsibilities of being good citizens  as well as the important areas of online safety, anti- social behaviour and discussed problems in the community.

On top of this, students had a fantastic time learning about the equipment used by police, the range of jobs within the force, and the role the police have in keeping people safe. 

Maura Furber, headteacher at the school added: “We know many of the children are now considering this role of work in their future.” 

PC Best and PC Reese said a huge thank you for the opportunity to work at St Stephens Community Academy again. Maura added: “Its something they look forward to all year,”

The day was enjoyed so much that dates are booked for next year!