With entrants ranging from toddlers to pensioners, St Giles on the Health Horticultural Show demonstrated that there is a class to interest all age groups at the annual event.

This year’s show, on August 5, followed the successful format of last year and, despite the poor growing season, the event was well supported by the village and there were entries in nearly every class.

In total there were more than 150 entries and the largest number for any competitor was 24 entries.

There was a plant and cake stall and cream teas were served in the Jubilee Room.

Prizes were presented by Gillian Penhale, a former resident, who recalled entering the show about 50 years ago.

Secretary of the show committee Carol Hunt said the show had proved to be a great success — both in terms of entries and in support from the community — despite the bad weather.

Judges were Brian Wonnacott, Christine Axford, Anne Rowe, Jackie Perkins and Darren Williams.

Trophies were awarded for the most points in each section and there were garden vouchers for the best exhibit in the sections.

There was a surprise for flower show committee member Trish Shanks at the end of the prize-giving when she was presented with an orchid to mark her 40th wedding anniversary. The plant was presented, on behalf of the Women’s Guild, by Rosemary Wonnacott.

Trophy and voucher winners

Vegetables and fruit (Mrs C Davey Cup) — Bob Ward; voucher – John Head.

Flowers and plants (Mrs L Allin Cup) — Leanne Webber; voucher – Steve Powlesland.

Floral Art (Rev and Mrs J Boatwright Cup) and voucher — Jean Allin.

Homecraft open (Mrs V Thomas Cup) — Maxine Bridgway; Women’s Guild — Maxine Towl; voucher — Rosalind Thorne

Art and photography:((Alan Johnson Cup) and voucher — Larraine Golding.

Handicraft (Osborne Cup) –— tie between Sue Trussler and Ray Butler; voucher — Ray Butler

Junior class winners were Alfie Webber and two grandchildren of Sue Russell.