For one local school, 2022 marks their 150th anniversary and to commemorate the occasion they have been holding a number of celebratory events and projects.

Established in 1872, Harrowbarrow School has been teaching children from the local area since the Victorian period. To celebrate this, in July, the school held a Victorian day in which, staff and students dressed in Victorian costume, learning about the early days of the school and visited All Saints Church – the school’s original home – to re-enact the very first day in the life of the school, complete with readings from the school log and punishments book, writing on slates with chalk and role-play canings.

As well as history lessons, students of the school have been working to create a commemorative tapestry, Tom Ottewell-Taylor, who coordinated the project said: “Throughout the summer term, a team of volunteers worked with children to produce a commemorative tapestry. This team of volunteers donated hours of their time every week to ensure every child in the school got the opportunity to design and sew their own panel,” he said.

“We would like to thank the following volunteer sewers; Colleen Metters, Leanne Francis, Liz Reece, Stacey Vinson and Sue Pell. An extra thanks goes to Hilary Walker for preparing the panels and Rachel Lane for sewing them all together.

“We are also grateful to the Albaston Fete Committee who funded this project. We are very proud of the finished result and it is testament to the hard work of all the children and adults involved.”

As well as these events and projects, Harrowbarrow also hope to undertake a bigger project. To further celebrate their 150th anniversary, this autumn the school will be working with families to create a commemorative wellbeing garden for the school community to use.