MANY residents of Sutcombe were disheartened when it was announced their primary school was to close permanently at the end of July 2016 — but out of the bad has come something good.

The primary school was opened in 1877 and provided early learning for the young children of Sutcombe for many years up until its closure in 2016, which was met with much opposition from local residents and pupils of the school.

Since its closure, Sutcombe Parish Council has been working tirelessly to ensure the facilities the school once provided do not go to waste.

The parish council recently became the tenants of the old school’s playing field, with the hopes of turning it into a community ground for use by local residents.

Chair of Sutcombe Parish Council, Stephen Horn, told the Post: “When the school was going to be closed the parish council held a number of discussions and thought it was a good idea to try and salvage something from the situation.

“We looked into the possibility of acquiring the playing field for community use and thought it would be good to try and get it for the use of the whole village. We will look to ensure it is available for residents of the village to use as a community area and possibly in time a meeting place for local walking or sports clubs.”

Thanks to a £10,000 grant from Torridge District Council and a £1,500 grant from Devon County councillor Barry Parsons the parish council is now in the process of purchasing some play equipment to install on the old playing field, to provide younger members of the village with a safe place to play.

Cllr Horn said: “We have to say thank you to both Torridge District Council and Cllr Barry Parsons for their grant money, which will help us purchase play equipment for the playing field.”

Speaking about future plans for the site, Cllr Horn explained: “Another committee group has been set up to take on the running and organisation of what happens with the playing field. The parish council will remain involved as we want to ensure this project flourishes, but the committee of willing volunteers who have already put themselves forward, will be the ones who take care of the site.

“I have to also thank those who have volunteered for this committee and their support. The response we received has been fantastic.”

Cllr Parsons was always vocal about his opposition to the closure of Sutcombe Primary School.

During consultations Cllr Parsons declared his interest in the item and sat with parents from Sutcombe to show his support while his fellow councillors discussed the proposal to close the school.

In response to the news that the parish council has become the new tenants of the playing field, Cllr Parsons said: “The closure of the school at Sutcombe was met with great sadness from so many of us. It affects the children, families, school staff; indeed, the whole community.

“Sutcombe is a strong community, well supported by its parish council, which is highly proactive, I cannot thank enough those who have worked so passionately, not only to support the school, but to ensure that something positive has come out of the whole process related to school closure.

“I am delighted that we have managed to progress the playing field situation and the fact that so many have enlisted their support. I know the facility will be well used and look forward to full completion.”