25 years ago

September 17, 1998

The Boyton community was celebrating this week after hearing that its recently formed playgroup had been awarded a grant of £1,500 from the Lottery Charities Board.

They don’t do things by halves at the North Cornwall Bangers and Crash Club! The recent Bangers and Crash meeting at Hele Bridge raised a mighty £10,700. The cheque was handed over this week to the Multiple Sclerosis Society in a ceremony at Court Farm, Marhamchurch.

The new reception class has arrived at North Petherwin School and they are: Jessica Worth, Adam Mitchell, Georgina Reeve, Heather Sampson, Cody Holberton, Laura Cotton, Hayley Jenkin and Rosie Uglow. Teacher Ms Greaves.

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40 years ago

September 17, 1983

What? A pantomime in September? Well, over the past few years Launceston’s White Horse Inn has gained a reputation for promoting the unusual and eccentric in musical entertainment. Last Thursday and Friday was no exception. The venue hosted ‘Robin — Son Of Crusoe, The Sequel’.

Matron Jury received a cheque for £210 on behalf of the Friends of Stratton Hospital from Mrs Ivy Joll, chairman of Bude Theatre Club, after last week’s performance of “Happy Daze”, the club’s presentation.

The official commissioning of Delabole branch of The Royal Naval Association took place this week. 

Major Basil Curtis of the British Heart Foundation presented cardiac equipment to Mr Alan Coleman, chairman of Cornwall and District and Isles of Scilly Health Authority, in a ceremony at Launceston Ambulance Service Station last Friday.

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50 years ago

September 15, 1973

Bude’s new Scout and Guide Headquarters were officially opened on Saturday by Mr Thomas Nicholls, who is was said had put in much hard work to see a dream become a reality. Mr Leslie Gunn, District Commissioner for Scouts, presented Mr Nicholls with a ‘thanks’ badge from the Scouting movement.

Newsagent, Mr ‘Ernie’ Elliott, of Street, Whitstone, has given up his paper round for health reasons. Mr Elliott was also the postman for nearly 50 years until the changeover to van delivery.

John Bascombe, who played Timothy Forsyte in ‘The Forsyte Saga’ on television, is taking over a coffee shop which sells antiques at 29, Westgate Street, Launceston. The business was previously run by Mrs Connie Geech, a local councillor.

The chairman of Camelford Magistrates, Mr J W P Coggin, on Friday paid tribute to the work of one of his colleagues, Mr J Setchell, who was making his last appearance on the bench after 21 years’ service.

Terry Ruby, of Bradridge Cottage, Boyton, has been notified that his challenge for the South of England lightheavyweight wrestling title has been passed by the Board of Control.

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60 years ago

September 21, 1963

Valuable old mine records and maps were among the things destroyed by a fire in the building at Redmoor Mine, Callington, on Saturday. The building of stone with asbestos roof comprised a block of three one-floor compartments formerly used as mine offices. The fire was confined to the centre compartment, which was gutted. Mr Leicester J Trevithick, of 6, Bowling Green, Terrace, Callington, had been using the building as a store.

Launceston town council meeting on Monday received a letter from the minister of public buildings and works confirming that the huts would be removed from the Castle Green as soon as possible, after the premises had been vacated by the Inland Revenue Inspector’s staff.

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70 years ago

September 19, 1953

A Vampire jet aircraft was watched in its final drive near Holsworthy, Friday, by Mr L H Beedell, of Lower Thorndon Farm, Holsworthy. Mr Reedell said the plane was flying with three others when the pilot baled out and the machine suddenly plunged to the ground with a terrific howl and a crash.

Because of the apathy shown in the matter, the question of a proposed shopping week for Launceston in November was deferred by Launceston Chamber of Trade at a general meeting in the White Hart Hotel committee room on Monday.

Following the success of last year’s experimental session at St Breward, Sir Harold Roper, MP for North Cornwall, is conducting a series of “one man brains trusts” at various points in the Division this week, the first time that such an idea has been put into practice by a Cornish MP.

A great and heartwarming welcome was given at Lifton on Wednesday to Pte Maurice Bradshaw, of the Glorious Gloucesters, returning to his home town after being held prisoner of war in Korea since the battle of Imjin River.

Residents of Tintagel heard with deep regret on Friday of the passing of Rev Charles Daniel Barriball, at his home “Trevean” at the age of 80 years.

Ballet lovers in Launceston and district were given a treat last night (Thursday) when the Continental ballet paid a flying one night visit to the Town Hall.

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80 years ago

September 18, 1943

Missing:  Pilot Officer Ronald Wills Gard, RAFVR, of West Croft, Wadebridge. Died on service: George Henry Ayliffe, RASC, 36, of Rodd’s Bridge, Bude, while serving in North Africa.

Mr J W P Coggin (St Breward), Mr T B Jago (Camelford), and Mr A Stephens (Gunnislake) have been appointed Justices of the Peace.

Mr J B Priestley, the author, playwright and critic, celebrated his 49th birthday at Bossiney on Monday.

Mr Stan Cater, a Launcestonian, who is “Stan” of “Stan and Jan” the Devonshire dialect comedians, has been with ENSA since the outbreak of war and last week broadcast in a forces programme to India and the Middle East.

Bude Methodist Circuit has a membership of 1,280 it was reported to the quarterly meeting held at Poughill with the Rev D B Proudlove presiding.

Mr S W H Judge, from St Thomas Rural Council, Exeter, has been appointed chief financial officer to Holsworthy Rural Council.

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90 years ago

September 23, 1933

Bude Fair, which opened on Monday, seems to be drawing a record attendance. There are more sideshows than ever this year, and the Diving Dolphins and Ghost Train are giving much enjoyment.

Four Blackshirts, members of Sir Oswald Mosley’s fascist organisation, appeared in Launceston Square yesterday selling their weekly publication, “The Blackshirt”. They came from Plymouth and intend to set up a centre in Launceston as soon as they have sufficient members.

So severe is the present shortage of water that railway engines are making special journeys from Halwill to Launceston to fill up.

Two members of the West Indies Cricket team played for Callington on Saturday against Plymouth. They were L Constantine and B Sealey. The two dusky professionals gained the honours of the day with their spectacular fielding, catching and throwing and playing tricks with the ball, they held the crowd spellbound.

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100 years ago

September 22, 1923

Knocked off his cycle by a horse, 17-year-old Ernie Cole, telegraph messenger, of Ashmill, Ashwater, was killed when the animal trampled on him.

Protesting against the proposed North Cornwall water scheme at a meeting of Camelford district Council on Thursday, Councillor Hart said the whole thing was a “hairbrained” scheme. He declared that £50,000 was never going to cover it, but Mr Nankivell said Tintagel, Delabole and Port Isaac could not progress without water. The council agreed the go ahead with some preliminary steps.