A LIFE-long member of the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society from Gunnislake has been presented with a service medal by his Court.

Bro Chris Hunn, of Gunnislake, received his medal at a recent meeting of his court ; the Looe Branch (Court ‘Goodwill’ No.5077) of the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society.

Chris was a juvenile member of the former Devon and Cornwall United District, before transferring to his parent Court, United Tamar No.3569, when he was initiated into the Court by his father, when his father was district Chief Ranger.

He served on the old district committee of management, and was district Chief Ranger in fi7A-71, and at that time being one of the youngest to hold that office.

He was also a district trustee of the Devon and Cornwall United District for a number of years until the society incorporated.

When areas were formed, Chris took an active interest, and was area chairman on more than one occasion.

At court level, as a result of amalgamations, he has been a member of four courts. On his last amalgamation with Court Goodwill, there was a vacancy for a trustee, and Bro Chris was elected to fill that vacancy.

At order level, Chris will be remembered for his services in producing the High Court Chronicle for more than 20 years.

His wife, Sis Wendy is also an active member, being Chief Ranger of Court Goodwill four years ago. She also received a brooch.

Court Goodwill began in July 1867 in Looe and continues to meet regularly in Liskeard.