Residents are pleased to see new, strong benches have been installed on Stourscombe Green, Launceston.

The previous benches had been a gift from the former residents’ association, however, after many years of rough handling, they were in need of rejuvenation.

A local resident said: “Thanks must be given to Cllr Helen Bailey, now our mayor, and Launceston Town Council for getting funding to purchase the bench and the council’s garden team for fitting them in place. We hope this will give a resting place for many years to come and would ask people in houses facing the green to keep a watchful eye on the bench and report any misuse to the town council.”

Mayor Cllr Helen Bailey added: “I can confirm there will be four benches placed around town to commemorate the Queens Platinum Jubilee, funds were raised during the Jubilee Celebrations and with some grant funding from Launceston Rotary and Cornwall Council.

“The four benches will be placed at Stourscombe, St Stephens Green, Pages Cross and Lanstephan Play Park over the next few weeks. They are made from recycled material and will hopefully be used regularly.”

With the new bench at Stourscombe in place residents can look forward to seeing some new trees planted in the coming autumn on the green and in the open space area off Snowdrop Crescent.