Students and staff at Launceston College, part of Athena Learning Trust, were thrilled to be receiving their GCSE results. 

Having worked incredibly hard all year, students excitedly collected their fantastic GCSE results, which reflected their dedication and diligence towards their school for the last two years. 

Everyone came together to mark the achievements of all students, who have worked incredibly hard to secure these grades.

The college is pleased to see a year of strong results. The number of students achieving the passing grade of a 4 or higher in English or maths is significantly higher than the national average. They are particularly proud to have achieved a 10% increase in the number of students gaining a grade 5 or higher in both English and maths; the priority this year was ensuring students get the grades needed to have choices as they move on to their next steps. 

The college is proud of every student and every member of staff for the work they have done in the journey towards these results but drew particular attention to the BTEC courses. In health and social care, 19 out of 22 students made much higher progress than the national average, achieving great results that have set them up for rewarding careers in the future. 

Alongside the continued success of the college, there were also some standout individual performances, including Isabelle Goodman who achieved a phenomenal nine grade 9s, placing her amongst the highest achieving students in the country.

Niamh Tape who achieved a fantastic set of results: grade 9s in 8 subjects including English literature, maths, chemistry, physics and biology.

Mia Duckworth, who, as well as studying hard to achieve strong passes or higher across English, maths, sciences and drama, also spent Year 11 fundraising and preparing for a trip to Bujakko in Uganda, helping students there access education.

Adam Hazucha, who not only achieved 10 grades 7 to 9, but was also a fantastic House Captain and managed to maintain his usual commitment to the college production.

Jenn Burn, principal at Launceston College said: “We are thoroughly delighted for our students receiving their GCSE results today. They have worked incredibly hard over the last two years and it is fantastic to see their dedication rewarded with an excellent set of results. Lots of people have contributed to ensuring today’s success and we would like to say a huge thank you to all our students, parents, carers, staff and local community for their support and encouragement. Today’s results provide our students with a strong platform for continued success. 

“We are really excited to see what the future holds for them and look forward to welcoming many of them back to our sixth form in September.”