Residents will be hoping another storm doesn’t come knocking this week as the town prepares to enjoy Launceston Carnival 2023. 

The carnival is coming to town this week and for many, Saturday, October 7 will be circled and underlined in their calendars as excitement for the annual event grows. 

This year, celebrations kick off at around 11am with fun for the young ones in the square. A hog roast, pizzas, candy floss, burgers and hot dogs, and face painting all on offer.  At 12pm the Mayor will crown this year’s Carnival Royalty in the town square, Queen, Jessica Heywood, and Attendants, Daisy Cornish and Rafaela Holden will take up their positions. 

After the royal occasion, Launceston Pop Choir will perform to get the afternoon going. 

There is something for everyone at this year’s event, fairground rides, hot food and ice-cream, face painting, fireworks and of course the iconic procession. 

David Gordon, chairman of the event said: “This year’s carnival is our 14th year since we brought it back, there was a two-year lapse, when we have the pandemic force us to postpone, but the good news is our carnival is growing in popularity every year. 

“As a committee we make changes every year to keep the parade and the day itself interesting. This year we have introduced a new class, Walking Illuminated, and we are hopeful people will find this an easier way of entering the parade and having a bit of fun. 

“We booked the bands for the parade several months ago and this year’s parade will be led by the “Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue ceremonial unit” who are not only smart, but brilliant musicians, and we look forward to welcoming them back to Launceston.” 

A full timetable of the day is printed in the official carnival programme booklet available in shops now. 

“This will be the second year we have been unable to secure a main sponsor,” David continued, “but we are so grateful to all the local businesses who advertised in our programme, and to those who have made financial donations, this has enabled us to put the carnival on again for our community.”

At 9.30pm the carnival finale firework display can be best viewed from the Castle Green. 

“So all we ask for now is dry weather and for our community to line our streets in their hundreds and pop some much needed coins in the collection buckets to secure Launceston’s largest free community event for another year.”