Launceston was not to be outdone by a spot of rain and the community turned out in force to attend this year’s Remembrance Service.

There was a strong turn out the day before on November 11 when a minutes silence was held during the Saturday market, with stall holders joining members of the Launceston branch of the Royal British Legion in this Act of Remembrance.

On Sunday, November 12, local groups and organisations came together to process through the streets and pay their respects to the fallen. 

Our Editor joined the parade, marching with the Royal British Legion Launceston branch, and said: “Despite the rain it was fantastic to see so many of our local groups come out in force to show their support on Remembrance Sunday. 

“Several of the town’s youth organisations are becoming more involved with the Poppy Appeal and the Remembrance Parade and it is great to see everyone pulling together.”

Thanks were expressed to Ellie Mason of Launceston Life for live streaming the event.