A RADIOGRAPHER from Halwill will embark on a 50-mile sponsored walk at the end of the month to raise awareness of a rare condition, which affects only 200 people in the UK.

Kim Balsdon will kick-start a nationwide fundraiser called the Journey for Life on Saturday, February 28 — Rare Disease Day.

This will involve a 50-mile sponsored walk from Illand, near Launceston, to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.

She is aiming to finish the walk at around noon on Monday, March 2.

The Journey for Life has been organised by the charity aHUS UK and it aims to raise awareness of the rare condition aHUS (atypical Haemolytic Uraemic Syndrome) and generate funds for Kidney Research UK, so that more research can be done into this condition.

Other people will also be taking part, through events such as running, walking and skydives.

The Journey for Life will finish in Newcastle at the Centre for Life in September.

Kim is taking part as she was diagnosed with aHUS in November 2013, making her one of only 200 people in the UK to have the condition.

For the full report, and a round-up of the area news and sport, see this week's edition of the Post.