South West Truckers were delighted to hold their long awaited Truck Convoy for disadvantaged young adults andchildren on May 21.

Approximately 50 trucks congregated at Bude Rugby Club.

A spokesperson explained: “Passengers who have experienced more difficulties in every day life chose the truck that they wanted to ride in.”

At 10.30am, the trucks departed in convoy to The Milky Way Adventure Park, for a fun filled and much deserved day out.

The spokesperson continued: “It was an amazing atmosphere with so many members of the public coming out to give everyone a wave as they passed.”

The trucks left The Milky Way at 4pm and returned back to Bude Rugby Club. Smiles were in abundance and a lovely day was experienced by all.

The spokesperson added: “Special thanks must go to Bude Rugby Club for providing a start and finish venue, The Milky Way Adventure Park for their amazing hospitality and generosity, Devon Truck Show, Autosmart and Harpers Feeds for their sponsorship to host the day and provide goody bags, All of the Haulage companies for allowing us to use their trucks, and a huge special thanks must go to all of the drivers who gave up their day to transport the passengers to and from The Milky Way.

“Thanks must also go to the two young budding Truck photographers, Daryl Parkhouse and Mitchall Slayney, who managed to capture some fantastic photos of this memorable day.”