Sunday morning saw the start of Delabole Carnival Week get off to a good start.

Everything looked in doubt on Friday as the marquee proved to be a great task this year. Due to the high winds the team were unable to erect it, which put plans for the day behind schedule.

Sadly, whilst it was being put up a massive tear developed on the marquee’s roof — however, the team pulled together and this was eventually over come with a repair.

At lunch time on Saturday the marquee was still not up but with so much to get ready a plea was put out on social media for all hands on deck — in true Delabole spirit local villagers came to the rescue and managed to get everything completed in time for the big day.

A spokesperson said: “The carnival committee would like to a say a massive thank you to the village for all the help.”

The Sunday morning United Church Service went ahead, which was opened by the Rev Bryan Ede.

Around 60 people made their way to the marquee for the service and were in for a real treat from “Open the Book” members of the local church who put on two stories about Joseph and his multicoloured coat.

This was swiftly followed by a presentation to the outgoing chairman of the Delabole Carnival committee Andrew Stacey, who after over 20 years and has decided to stepdown.

Elaine Renalds (vice chairman) took the opportunity to thank him and his family for all their hard work and commitment to the Delabole Carnival and community and added that he will be truly missed as a valued member of the committee.

Then it was the big moment as the Delabole Fairy Queen was crowned by the outgoing royalty of 2022 Summer Goodman.

The morning was rounded off with some much needed refreshments and some delicious doughnuts that went down a treat.