A COUNCIL has responded to criticism after some missed out on a free annual event in Camelford which had become ticketed.

This year’s ‘Music in the Park’ event, to be held at Enfield Park in the town on June 1, and organised by Camelford Town Council, has had to introduce a ticketing system to ensure the event could take place.

However, the news that the tickets for the free event have been ‘sold out’, with the park’s capacity being maximised, has been met with disappointment from those who said they weren’t aware the event had become ticket-only.

It has led to the council issuing a statement asking anyone who has reserved tickets and might not attend to return their tickets to the council so they can be redistributed.

A spokesperson for Camelford Town Council said: “As many of you are already aware, there are several steps that the Council have had to take to ensure that the event can take place this year. One of them has been to introduce a ticketing system, and sadly have to now declare that tickets are sold out.

“Camelford Town Council (CTC) are incredibly sorry for those who will miss out this year. By keeping advertising to within the town, it was hoped those who regularly attend would have the best chance of securing tickets, however it would appear that many will still miss out.

“Sadly as the capacity of the park looks as though it will be met, all CTC can do is ask that those who have reserved tickets, but are aware that they can no longer attend, please return your tickets so that others may still be able to come along and enjoy the day (even if it's on the day as tickets can be made available on the gate).

“CTC would also like to stress that bag searches will be taking place on the gate, that anybody who looks to be under the age of 25 will be challenged for ID (when carrying alcohol into the event and/or when ordering from the bar). Furthermore, if anybody is found to be drinking alcohol under the age of 18, they will be ejected from the premises.

“Finally, CTC would like to remind everyone that drink driving is against the law. As such, CTC would ask that anyone attending the event that lives outside of Camelford to please organise a method of transport for returning home which does not require you to drive (if you are planning to drink at the event).

“We hope, with all this said and done, that the sun shines for us on the day and we can all have a fantastic time together!”