St Andrew's Church
There have been quite a few Christmas Tree Festivals in the area over the past couple of weeks and Stratton was no exception.
St Andrew's Church held its Christmas Tree Festival on Saturday, December 14. There were entries from a wide range of local organisations and individuals and the event was well attended.
Women’s Institute
The Bude WI held their Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 10, at the Methodist Church Hall.
The festively attired members were greeted by a Christmas Elf; the alter ego of president Cynthia May, who encouraged everyone to buy raffle tickets as all the money raised would be donated to Bude Cancer Support. A total of £164 was raised.

The entertainment for the evening was the All@C ukulele band and they provided the accompaniment to a rousing rendition of Jerusalem. All@C continued to entertain everyone with a mixture of pop songs and Christmas favourites and were thanked by the Christmas Elf who invited them to join members enjoying a delicious supper supplied by many members who were organised by Julie Grice and Gill Daniels. Julie and Gill provide refreshments throughout the year and they were thanked for their constant hard work.
The Christmas Elf thanked everyone for coming and said goodnight on behalf of president.
Methodist Chapel
The 2024 All Age Nativity Play, was presented by a cast of local adults and children at Morwenstow Methodist Chapel at Shop on Advent Sunday, December 1.
The play was entitled 'Unto us a Child is born' and was written by Lois Anne DeLong & Barbara Anne Antonucci.

Vee Ellis welcomed everyone and led in prayer and Vee included the Circuit prayer in the prayers. Colin Tape was the organist for the singing of 'Away in a manger' (before the play) and 'Silent Night' (after the play).
The lighting of the first candle 'the candle of Hope' on the Advent Wreath was performed by Valerie Tape.
The cast sang a number of Christmas songs throughout the play.
The cast in order of appearance were: Jessica, Celia Cleave; Omara, Debbie French; Applause child, Lois Cleave; Shepherd 1, Rosemary Cook; Shepherd 2, Angela Olde; Shepherd 3, Katie Payne; Lead Angel, Elsie Inch; Angel 2, Edie Payne; Audience Member 1, Freda Olde; Servant, Eric French; Wise Man 1, Finley McBrinn; Wise Man 2, Catherine McBrinn; Wise Man 3, John Cleave; Joseph, Jaik Payne; Mary, Sophie McBrinn; Audience Member 2, Lois Cleave.
Accompaniment for the play was provided by Edith Cleave on keyboard and Bill Cleave on bass guitar. The projector was controlled by Stuart Ash and a vote of thanks was proposed by Ken Boundy. Special thanks go to our friends at Chilsworthy Chapel and St Mark's C of E Primary Academy for their very kind loan of beautiful costumes.
The morning concluded with festive refreshments, which included cheese and biscuits, mince pies, biscuits, non-alcoholic mulled wine, teas and coffees.
The chapel was full to capacity for the occasion, with extra seating having to be put out in The Wesley Room.
Coad’s Green
Women’s Institute
It was an opportune moment in the festive calendar for Linda Willan, President of Coad’s Green WI to introduce Willow Crafter, Carol Horsington, to help members create miniature Christmas trees.
Carol crafts in willow but the skeleton of the trees she gave us were to be finished in Somerset rush. She explained how to clean the reeds and how to weave them to create a stunning pattern using a natural material, almost as old as time. Trees were finished by tying a bark star with string to create a seasonal decoration that could be used indoors or outdoors, by itself, or as an integral part of a display.
Gerry Rennie thanked Carol for an absorbing evening which everyone had found enjoyable.
The crafting was followed by a shared supper.
The flower of the month competition was won by Vivienne Daniel. Alison Gribble took second place and Christine Walters took third. Vivienne also won the monthly competition. Linda Willan came second and Julia Gaunt was third.

Vivien Trewin won the raffle and birthday flowers were presented to Carol Titcombe, Vicky Fuge and Vivien.
Carol and Vicky assisted with the refreshments.
Linda Willan rounded off a rewarding evening by thanking all the members for their continued support and wished them a very happy Christmas.
Angel Festival
With 347-yes three hundred and forty seven angels on display-the Trebullett Angel Festival went ahead on the weekend of the storm!
With no displays duplicated it is a picture to be seen with various organisations and people taking part. Two of the workshops took place - making a willow angel and stencilling an angel or angels if you were quick. Enjoying the refreshments which were ably catered for in quantity and providing hot drinks in spite of their being no electric. Trebullett people are very inventive and do not shy from what seems the impossible.
The weekend was to raise money for S.P.A.C.E. which is a little known Cornish charity that provides breaks for carers and families whilst their extra special needs young people spend time doing their own thing organised by the group.
Lunch club
Thirty four members of the Lezant Lunch Club were welcomed by Ken Scoble at Trebullett Hall on Wednesday, December 15.
Members enjoyed a delicious traditional Christmas meal served with fresh vegetables and all the trimmings. A vegetarian alternative of beetroit fritters was prepared by Mary Synott. The traditional meal was prepared by Marilyn Davey, Ruth Burden, Irene Nash, Diana Anderson, Julie Dinnis and Carolyn Reynolds. Service was provided by Rebecca Gentry, Janet Lyle, Cynthia Jewel, Janet Docherty, Helen Judge, Mary Bridger and Janet Honey.
After coffee members were entertained by a medley of Christmas songs performed by children from Trekenner School led by their teacher Shelley Jeffery. A vote of thanks was given by Ann Foster. Before walking back to school the children went to look at the Angel Festival in the chapel where they could spot the angels they had made.
The Lezant Lunch Club meets on the last Wednesday of each month. The next meal will be held on Wednesday, January 29. The cost to members will be £5 for two courses plus coffee. Phone Ruth Burden on 01566 782286 to book a place.
Holsworthy Hamlets
Flower Club
On Tuesday, December 10, Tracy Johnson from Torquay entertained Holsworthy Hamlets Flower Club with her demonstration “Spakle and Spice”.
Tracy’s passion for crafting was evident in each of her six designs, which included reindeer, a sleigh, Christmas hats and a gift box.
She started the evening with a beautiful woodland scene arrangement which consisted of handmade Christmas trees, carnations, roses, pine cones and baubles.
Two cheeky looking Gonks made from chicken wire and conifer bought a fun element to the evening, while a wreath ring covered in foliage, vertical bright blue delphiniums, button chrysanthemums, eryngium and peacock feathers was simply stunning.
Other arrangements boasted flowers such as orange and red roses, red carnations , amaryllis, germini’s as well as cinnamon sticks, dried oranges, hypericum and ilex berries.
Sylvia Harris thanked Tracy after which members enjoyed seasonal refreshments.
St Melor’s Church
There will be no service in St Melor’s Church on December 29.
On Monday, December 30, there will be morning prayer at 10am.
St Paul’s Church
There will be a Cluster Communion service at 10am on December 29.
Rilla Mill Village Hall
There was excellent support for the Christmas bingo at Rilla Mill Village Hall on Saturday, December 14, with thanks to organiser, Julia Bath and her team. Thanks also to our brilliant Caller, Kevin Gilbert, those who donated prizes for the bingo, raffle and hamper, and to everyone who attended to raise funds for the hall and Parson's Meadow which amounted to approximately £500. The hamper was won by Simon and Natalie Morse.