Bradworthy History Society recently completed their most time-consuming project — an updated version of the fragile graveyard map (St John the Baptist Church) and typewritten notes, compiled by Rev Peter Sutton in the 1980s and 1990s. 

Robert Feather was commissioned to digitalise the design which was then printed, framed and installed inside the church by Jag Signs.

By combining parish records, inscriptions and local knowledge, members made every effort to create accurate computerised listings to accompany the new map that now covers 1697-2022. 

They will be easier to update as new information comes to light and although newly installed, this project has already proved useful to visitors interested in family research.

The £1,700 cost was covered with the help of local grants and kind donations. Copies of both the map and listings are on permanent display in the Collacott Room, Bradworthy Memorial Hall.

Meetings are held Wednesday mornings (10am to noon). Visitors are also welcome at other times, by appointment.