A Cornish football club is using the opportunity of a high-profile pre-season friendly game to help those struggling with food poverty.

Bodmin Town Football Club is encouraging visitors to next Monday's preseason game against Neil Warnock's Sky Bet Championship side Huddersfield Town at Priory Park to bring along a donation to the food bank.

In a message to supporters and visitors to the game, a spokesperson for Bodmin Town Football Club said: "In the current climate, people are finding themselves in more and more need to turn to foodbanks to obtain enough of the basic items to keep their families and themselves nourished and clean. Local foodbanks are doing all they can to supply this vital service to those in need, however, the unfortunate truth is that there are seemingly never enough supplies to support those growing demands.

"To assist with this issue, the committee and volunteers of the club have committed to help raise much-needed supplies for foodbanks in our community. As such, we have decided that we are designating our pre-season friendly at-home to Huddersfield Town on Monday, July 10 as our first "foodbank donations" match.

"We are asking all supporters who are attending this match to bring along an item that can be donated to the foodbanks. Long-life fruit juices and milk as well as tinned soups and fruits are always in demand, but also needed are cleaning products and personal hygiene toiletries.

."Please don't think this is mandatory, as we are aware that there will be those attending who might find this difficult to do. We just hope that we can collect enough supplies to make the lives of fellow members of our community a little more comfortable.

"If anyone needs any information, please feel free to email [email protected]."