TWO young boys were following in their grandfather’s footsteps this year when they took their own homebuilt ‘tractors’ out into the main ring at Ashwater Show.

Blake, aged eight, and Hayden, four, had helped create the magnificent tractors they rode as part of the show’s charity tractor run.

They impressed the crowds as they expertly handled the vehicles, which had been adapted for them, with help from well-known local tractor expert Luke Furse.

The boys said they had really enjoyed helping create the tractors, using old lawnmowers as the base, and had been keen to follow grandad out into the ring.

A proud Mr Fure told the Post: “This is the first time we have done this together.

“Both boys wanted Ford — it had to be Ford, like mine you see — so we got to work, they helped, creating these two, smaller vehicles.

“We had to adapt and extend the clutch for them so they could reach, and find parts to match with Ford logos etcetera.”

The family were proud to see the young boys following in their grandfathers footsteps as they took to the main ring, receiving cheers from on lookers.

Mr Furse added: “It has been a real family effort today.”

This year’s charity tractor run enticed 50 vehicles into the procession and raised a fantastic £200 for St Luke’s Hospice.