AN APPLICATION to construct and operate a 42mw photovoltaic solar farm on land at Monks Farm and Trelana, Pyworthy has been withdrawn.
The application had attracted 42 objections and no supporters.
Pyworthy Parish Council did have something to say in its response: ‘Pyworthy Parish Council object to this application in the strongest possible terms…..
“The solar farm will cause the closure of a successful, fully operational dairy farm….
“Pyworthy already has a number of solar parks, and this will be by far the largest, having a massively negative effect on local tourism.
“The concerns over noise from the site have not been fully addressed, and the proposals to screen the site are completely inadequate.
“The Parish Council feels that Pyworthy has already made a major contribution to renewable energy in the area, and that this proposal, which will span over a mile from end to end, is a step too far.”
Local Tracey Gifford pointed out that the proposed area was five times bigger than Pyworthy village, while Ian Shutt said: “I think it is completely wrong that RES are allowed to submit a duplicate application when their initial application, submitted in 2021, is due to go for a judicial review in the near future.
“In my opinion, if this application is approved, it will not only have a massive effect on the confidence that people have in local government but, also the procedures where ordinary people are allowed to object.”
Other objectors had concerns about wildlife, traffic, the environment, a drop in tourism which would be detrimental to the local economy and the impact on property prices.